Τετάρτη 10 Μαΐου 2017

Customer service jobs and introverts..The horror!

From all the tough jobs out there, I would probably pick the ones that require customer service, as the worst. Even cleaning stairs and floors and working at a construction seem more pleasant and way less..annoying.

You may think that I classify customer service jobs like that because I'm an introvert. Well yes that's one of the main reasons I guess. From what I've seen and heard from other introverts on the web and in my daily interractions, it does seem like most introverts have a rough time with such jobs. 

It's not a matter of shyness, bitchyness or asociality (although I do fall on all three of them at times lol). It's mostly an introversion kind of thing. 

Introverts are known to be extremely picky when it comes to those they will hang out with. We despise fake 'friendships' or interractions and we have a very hard time tolerating people and situations that overwhelm us in a negative way.

To put it simply, while an extrovert can easily put up a facade and act like they have a great time with someone they don't really like or enjoy, an introvert will very soon be exhausted by the effort to seem polite and pleasant. 

So take this effort, multiply it by 20 and add the customer service job environment.  

What will it give you?

The horror. The absolute, merciless, detestable horror. I'm not even exagerrating.

Introverts will get me. At least most of them, I think. There is a group of introverts called 'extroverted introverts' who seem to have better socialization tolerance so those people might not really relate to this. 

I work at a customer service environment. Not out of choice. But rather because I had no choice. 

The economy is very unstable and doubtful where I live, jobs shrink and shrink and shrink to a select few who have the hope of earning stable money and the amount of young unemployed people gets bigger every month. 

I had dreams about my future work life, like most of us do when we're still in school. Then crisis happened. I had to pick a profession that would guarantee me a chance of having a job in the next years. Any other doubtful choice had to fly out of the window. So I made a choice..I graduated and after a while I got this job. 

Don't get me wrong, I was more than grateful for being hired and having an income in my pocket. I still am. 

But when you are constantly forced to work on a job you neither like nor get any mental growth or joy from, there's only so much someone can take before having enough. 

Customer service jobs are my absolute working nightmare. I don't get just exhausted. 

I actually feel suffocated.

Frustrated, depressed and suffocated because I know damn well I'm not working on any of my true potential or talent.

For introverts, these jobs can do more harm than good. It can get us all worked up, bitchy, snarky and frustrated. Having to constantly perform theatrics in every single customer interraction we have, having to continuously smile like a clown just to be pleasant and always having to do your best to keep others satisfied (something I'm fast becoming allerging to), is messing up with our mood, our mental health and our life in general. 

Hence why introverts are always looking for introvert-suitable jobs. 

People all around you will constantly try to make you feel as if you *have* to try extroverted jobs or *get used to them* just because all extroverts do so as well.

Don't listen to other people's advices unless you actually feel that they are genuinely helpful for your mental health and life. 

Don't pretend. If a work environment feels too much or a bit too ''toxic'' for you, then that's your bright neon red sign that you need to get out as fast as you can.

Are you stuck there for obligatory financial, emotional or family reasons? Then try to come up with quirky ideas to escape and quietly and secretly plan your escape in your mind before you make any decision. 

Our lives are short. The least we can do is to make sure they are well lived. And by 'well lived' I don't mean the extrovert conventional stereotype that wants people to be out wasting themselves drinking and doing a bunch of other weird stuff just to 'feel' something. 

People can give you advices on how to live your life as much as they want, but in the end, the only way to live your life well is the one that fulfills you, not them. So make sure to live your life to your greatest and fullest, doing things you love and enjoy.

Your mental health and harmony is way more important than any work ''experience''. 

~A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads, lives only one.~

Δευτέρα 1 Μαΐου 2017

INTP aesthetics

Some fantastic INTP related aesthetics that fully capture the INTP personality.

(All images were taken by google).

~A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads, lives only one.~

The INTP nerdy girl..

So we're in the realm of female INTPs and their geeky nature.

There are a lot of misconceptions about INTPs in general, mainly created and perpetuated by web users with little to no actual knowledge of how INTP minds function. They tend to call us robots, mean, cold,etc..

The thing about this prejudice is that it's almost always shared by those personalities that are naturally very emotional. 

Overly emotional people are nice and kind and warm and all that good stuff but they also tend to be extremely judgemental and pushy when it comes to people who are not like them. 

To put it simply, emotional types do not 'get' the rational ones. Our inability to expose and express feelings in public and in an 'extreme' way confuses and scares them. Hence the so called stereotypes about INTPs and INTJs being like 'unfeeling robots'. 

This is quite frankly both offensive and annoying. And it has to stop..because if rationals shouldn't shame emotional types about their overly emotional reactions..why can emotional types shame rationals for not being able to openly express their feelings??? Double standards much??

INTPs are not robots. We have feelings just as much as everyone else does. The difference in us, is that we do not openly express them. 

Yes we might be happy,depressed,anxious or excited about something..but NO we won't show you that by bursting to tears at the first emotional trigger or be all smileys and goofy like expressions and NO we won't sit with you for hours to discuss why we feel what we feel and what caused it or how you can help with it. 

In fact, we barely share our feelings even with our own family members. We might occasionally share some bits with our closest people but it's still not in the way other types share their feelings. For instance we may, in most cases, share our feelings with our people but only the positive/safe ones or will only reveal certain parts of them, parts that we feel safe and comfortable sharing with them.

So in most cases, INTP females, just like all INTPs, will naturally prefer to write their thoughts or even feelings down to some notepad or type them out to their little pc diary (I've done that many times), or use a specific code language for their real diary, so that nobody else will be able to peek into it if they try. (Also done that, I've actually used numerical code language to keep a real diary and can still do so if I want to have one). 

INTP females just like INTJ ones, are not your 'typical females'. We don't pay too much attention to details about us such as our make-up (something that is rarely used by INTP females anyway), our dress code or even hairstyles.

That doesn't mean that INTP females go around like freaks. Both I and a few other INTP females I've met have their own unique style. I usually go for the natural look for example and choose to wear geeky/nerdy/preppy clothes or casual/sporty. Basically I wear whatever I like, I don't have a limit but those are my favorite types of clothing and I wear them as much as I can. 

But I won't spend even 10 minutes of my life for make up or hairstyling. I won't bother with that stuff and I will rarely visit the hairdresser. If I want to cut off my hair I usually do it on my own or tell a family member to do it for me. 

INTP females also don't like typical conversation topics and chit chats about celebs, make up, clothes, gossip or even guys. 

Like the INTP males, we like talking about intriguying topics, books, movies, ideas and anything that might be interesting to us or a problem that needs solutions..basically anything that is exciting and stimulating for our brains because our brains and our minds are our basic sources of organising our lives. We spend hours upon hours just being in our heads, analyzing stuff, learning new things and coming up with strange new concepts. So anything that stimulates our brains in a positive way will be a perfect topic for us and will most likely engage us into the conversation for a long amount of time.

We tend to get toddler-like excited about our interests.

Parties, clubs, cliche posh dates and dances are a nightmare for us. 

Overly emotional situations and reactions make us very stressed and anxious. We can barely handle our own emotions, why do people seem to think we can handle theirs?

Touchy people are also annoying for us because we get cuddly and touchy only with those we really trust and love and with those we are very close to..not just with any 'friend' or peer. You have to be a lot more than that to make us reciprocate your touchy habits willingly. 

We love studying and learning new things..not because we are arrogant 'I know it all's' who want to impress older people or a teacher or anything..in fact, we are fully aware that we don't know everything, mainly because our learning process teaches us that no matter what we have learned so far, there's always much more to be learned.

So we never get too 'sure' about what we know, we always look for more, learn more, research for more. 

So don't be freaked our by the fact that some people actually like studying. We are not very good or disciplined when it comes to obligatory studies, which is why INTPs are phenomenically not very 'productive' with their school lessons and teachers usually seem to be like ''but he/she has so much potential..if only he/she wasn't so lazy/withdrawn/distracted''. I always got that during my school years. Every single teacher used to say that to my parents. I always tended to study a lot with things outside of the school's lessons but would only study for school during the last minute, procrastinating madly and avoiding boring lessons and tests. 

The main thing people need to understand about female INTPs, is that for them to be engaged into any sort of activity with others, it is imperative and unavoidable for others to first learn to accept our different and slightly 'odd' (compared to other females at least), personalities.

Unless you make a genuine effort to know us and accept us the way we are, without judging or trying to 'heal' us, like many people seem to do, we will never ever be able to trust and allow you to be in our circle. 

~A reader lives a thousand times before he dies. The man who never reads, lives only one.~

Κυριακή 12 Μαρτίου 2017

12 reasons why introverts are like cats.


1)Like cats, most introvert personalities exhibit the factor of unpredictability on high levels. You can never know an introvert’s next action and you can never really predict it either.

2)Just like cats, introverts ‘choose’ their folks. Not just their family, but the people outside of their family, that they prefer to have close relations with. They select which people to trust and which people to be close to.

3)Introverts tend to be awfully playful and cuddly with the select few people they feel comfortable with, just like cats will exhibit great playfulness and cuddlyness with those they have chosen.

4)Nobody knows exactly what goes on in the mind of an introvert. No matter how much you know them, you can never really know what they’re thinking.

5)Both introverts and cats have a tendency to be completely unconventional. Things that are the usual and the ‘norm’ are usually not something they prefer or like.

6)They’re cheeky..just like a cat is, when throwing one of your glasses off the counter and looking at you with a smug look, as if to tell you they don’t give a damn about your reaction..yeah they do that as well.

7)They like socializing but in very small dozes and with only a few people at a time..preferably people they already approve of. Just like cats, they will like a bit of socializing and fun, until they get tired of it. Once they’re bored or tired, they have to call it quits and if someone tries to pressure them into staying..they can get very snappy (remember how cats often get aggressive when you get too ‘touchy’ or playful with them and ignore their warning signals).

8)They love naps. Not only is the long night hours sleep essential and vital for them, but so are a couple mini naps here and there during the day. They help them rejuvenate from the chaos of their daily life and duties as well as all the fuss of having to socialize with a bunch of people, many of which are a necessary but unwanted part of their routine.

9)They’re awfully curious. About everything. The world, the sky, books, people, unknown objects, odd subjects, movies, foods,etc..

10)They can get very goofy when in their comfortable environment and with the right people. You don’t really expect that from people who are mostly ‘closed off’ and reserved but there is a very goofy and even a bit crazy side to them, that only a few people get to see.

11)They’re intelligent. Either naturally or due to their need and love for learning/exploring. They’re also very quirky.

12) They’re aloof. 

This of course doesn't necessarily mean that introverts are like cats only or that extroverts are like dogs..this isn't a post about cat vs dog people. After all, I personally love all animals equally. I've never really favored one over another.

However, I have noticed, that cats exhibit a lot of common personality traits with introverts, hence the need for this post. 

Σάββατο 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

The world of introverts and bookworms

Every introvert bookworm knows how complicated life can get. Especially when your interests and choices are so different to those of the 'normal' people.

Your kind of amusement and your way of fun, is to stay inside and read an amazing book than going to a club and getting your fill of drinks or shaking your booty on that dance floor.

You find dancing awkward and weird in most occasions. In fact you may even find it awkward and funny when others are dancing as well, like I do. 

Your idea of a perfect job is the one that doesn't require or demand much or any kind of direct contact with other people, which is why your best idea of work is the one where you can work from the safety and comfort of your home. 

You prefer animals and books to human interaction. Social gatherings get on your nerves. 

If you're anything like me, you don't just find them boring and draining, you also see them like a circus of pretense, hypocrisy and stupidity. Yeah..I'm that nice. 

But regardless of what kind of introvert or bookworm you are, or what type of personality you have, one thing we ALL have in common, is that we are among society's top 'oddballs' of human beings. 

I've only recently started discovering myself. I've spent years of self loathing and embarassment as well as years of hiding my true self from others. Now that I'm finally beginning to see myself in a different light..a positive and accepting one, I find this journey of self exploration and self acceptance, quite beautiful.

That's why, this blog, will not be just a blog about introverts..but most of all, a blog about self acceptance and growth through our most enjoyed and soul inspired interests, passions and hobbies. 

~A reader lives a thousand times before he dies. The man who never reads, lives only one.~


Welcome to my blog!

This is a little shelter for all bookworms and all introverts.

I'm a 100% introvert and more specifically of the INTP personality type, a fanatic bookworm and a blogger. I have a pinterest and a Polyvore account as well. 

I created this blog for any and all introverts and bookworms out there who might relate with the content of this blog. I'll be posting several kinds of articles about introversion, books, INTPs, inspiration stories, self-growth content and anything, similar to these. 

Your comments and support are most definitely appreciated and valued. I hope you will be able to find solace in this little blog just like I do :) 

~A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads, lives only one.~