Κυριακή 12 Μαρτίου 2017

12 reasons why introverts are like cats.


1)Like cats, most introvert personalities exhibit the factor of unpredictability on high levels. You can never know an introvert’s next action and you can never really predict it either.

2)Just like cats, introverts ‘choose’ their folks. Not just their family, but the people outside of their family, that they prefer to have close relations with. They select which people to trust and which people to be close to.

3)Introverts tend to be awfully playful and cuddly with the select few people they feel comfortable with, just like cats will exhibit great playfulness and cuddlyness with those they have chosen.

4)Nobody knows exactly what goes on in the mind of an introvert. No matter how much you know them, you can never really know what they’re thinking.

5)Both introverts and cats have a tendency to be completely unconventional. Things that are the usual and the ‘norm’ are usually not something they prefer or like.

6)They’re cheeky..just like a cat is, when throwing one of your glasses off the counter and looking at you with a smug look, as if to tell you they don’t give a damn about your reaction..yeah they do that as well.

7)They like socializing but in very small dozes and with only a few people at a time..preferably people they already approve of. Just like cats, they will like a bit of socializing and fun, until they get tired of it. Once they’re bored or tired, they have to call it quits and if someone tries to pressure them into staying..they can get very snappy (remember how cats often get aggressive when you get too ‘touchy’ or playful with them and ignore their warning signals).

8)They love naps. Not only is the long night hours sleep essential and vital for them, but so are a couple mini naps here and there during the day. They help them rejuvenate from the chaos of their daily life and duties as well as all the fuss of having to socialize with a bunch of people, many of which are a necessary but unwanted part of their routine.

9)They’re awfully curious. About everything. The world, the sky, books, people, unknown objects, odd subjects, movies, foods,etc..

10)They can get very goofy when in their comfortable environment and with the right people. You don’t really expect that from people who are mostly ‘closed off’ and reserved but there is a very goofy and even a bit crazy side to them, that only a few people get to see.

11)They’re intelligent. Either naturally or due to their need and love for learning/exploring. They’re also very quirky.

12) They’re aloof. 

This of course doesn't necessarily mean that introverts are like cats only or that extroverts are like dogs..this isn't a post about cat vs dog people. After all, I personally love all animals equally. I've never really favored one over another.

However, I have noticed, that cats exhibit a lot of common personality traits with introverts, hence the need for this post.